Our Services

Breakspeare Energy offers comprehensive energy solutions including top-tier insulation, efficient heating systems, and advanced solar panel and battery setups, catering to both domestic and commercial clients’ needs for sustainable energy management.


As energy prices surge, efficient heating becomes paramount for homeowners. Optimal heating systems can drastically reduce energy consumption, directly translating to lower bills. This commitment to efficiency also positively influences a property’s EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) rating. Ensuring your home has a proficient heating system is not just about comfort; it’s an investment in long-term savings and enhanced property value.

Solar Panels

Heat Pumps

Full Central Heating Systems

Boiler Upgrades

Smart & Zonal Heating Controls


In times of rising energy costs, insulation is a homeowner’s best ally. Efficient insulation ensures optimal heat retention, echoing the UK Governments principle of “heat retention before heat generation.” This not only substantially reduces bills but also enhances energy efficiency, elevating your home’s EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) rating, resulting in an increase in property value. Well insulated homes also offer acoustic benefits. Making the choice to insulate is both economically and environmentally astute.

Solid Wall Insulation

Cavity Wall Insulation

Loft Insulation

Room-in-Roof Insulation

Underfloor Insulation

Commercial Customers

For our commercial customers, harnessing renewable energy is more than an environmental statement; it’s a sound business decision. Solar panels, complemented by efficient battery storage, drastically cut energy costs by reducing reliance on traditional power sources. Transitioning to solar not only aligns with sustainability goals but also yields tangible financial benefits. An investment in renewable energy, like solar, offers a competitive edge, enhances operational efficiency, and reflects a forward-thinking approach to resource management.

Solar Panels

Battery Storage

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